Artificial soils for soil-less farming
Bioelectrochemically-active artificial soil (or e-Soil) provide recycled nutrients to soil-less farming systems.
In natural soils, communities of microorganisms ‘regenerate’ organic residues by oxidizing organic compounds and releasing mineral forms of nutrients, turning them available for plants growth.
Soil is the most ‘circular-economy’ driver naturally existing.
e-Soil is a biomimetic approach to provide soilless farming productions of nutrients in mineral forms, while recycling organic-rich residues. Artificial soils should be coupled to the existing technologies, to mineralize organics and recycle nutrients.
The e-Soil allows nutrients to get recycled, from secondary streams of food-production and residues, as fertilizers to produce high-value superfoods in soil-less agriculture.
It is based on the action of electroactive microbial species and on innovative biomaterials with tailored electrochemical properties. Such electrochemical cell stimulated microbes towards mineralization, to recycle nutrients for plants or microalgae.

e-Soil is applied to different technologies for circular-economy:
Food/feed-grade microalgae cultivation.
Non-food microalgae cultivation for biofertilizers production.
Hydroponic vertical farming.
e-BioPond technlogy (Patent Italian deposit 102018000010683 - 29/11/2018)
e-BioPond project

Contact us
Algaria srl, P.le Aquileia 6, 20144 Milano MI, Italia